A group of new volunteers are re-launching Meet The Neighbours. The new group will be known as Lunches For Locals and the first get together will be in the Village Hall on Thursday 21 March 2024 at 1:00pm. Licensed bar open from 12:45pm.
The first menu on offer will be homemade chicken and leek pie with roast potatoes and locally produced vegetables, dessert will be lemon drizzle with cream. All this for only £10.00 per person.
Why not come along and meet friends old and new in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere.
For anyone new to the village this is a great way to meet your neighbours and find out all that goes on in and around the village.
To book your place either email lfl@suttonvillagehall.net or call (01777) 854410 and leave your contact details on our answerphone.
Remember, numbers are limited so book early to avoid disappointment!
Please advise us of any dietary requirements in advance.